
847-250-2007 | 844-344-TAX1 | 2000 AT&T Center Drive, Suite East C207 Hoffman Estates, IL 60192 Polski


Metro Tax Relief assist’s Taxpayers struggling with or unable to pay their current taxes or a past Tax Debt. We can save you a substantial amount of expense, worry and stress by solving your tax problems.

At Metro Tax Relief, we use top-notch tax strategies to reach the most favorable and timely resolution probable. The comprehensive list of tax resolution services provided by Metro Tax Relief include:

Tax Liens and Levies

A tax lien is the legal claim of the government against your property after failing or neglecting to pay your tax debt.  The IRS will file a public document alerting creditors as regards government’s legal right to your property.  A levy is the legal seizure of your property to settle your tax debts.

A lien serves as a claim used as security for your tax debt, while a levy takes your property to satisfy your tax debt.  If you fail to pay your taxes or you are unable to make arrangements for settling your debt, the IRS will seize and sell any personal property of yours.

A Lien will always lead to a LEVY so contact us today at Metro Tax Relief, to determine how we can help you save your property if you get into a Tax Lien situation.  DO NOT IGNORE the Lien Letter, as the issue will not correct itself.  You need Help!  Call Us!


The IRS will stop at nothing to collect a tax debt. IRS garnishments are one of the most aggressive tactics used by IRS for tax collection. The IRS may decide to seize about 50-75% of your wage. You are left with little or nothing.

You can release your IRS garnishment by following a detailed procedure and choosing from IRS relief programs such as

  • Installment Agreement
  • Currently Not Collectible
  • Offer in Compromise
  • Partial Payment Installment Agreement
  • Streamlined Installment Agreement

Call us today for a free consultation to decide the most suitable program for your tax debt relief.

Delinquent Returns

IRS does have the power to request your unfilled returns at any time. The limitation statute clock doesn’t start until your returns are filed. The IRS may send a notice asking you to file a delinquent tax return. Sooner or Later the IRS will notice that you have yet to file a tax return. You will be pursued for any connected back taxes. In this world of ever connected data, the IRS will never forget or will never “Just Go Away”. Call Us!  We can help!

You deserve the peace of mind you get by letting the Tax Experts at Metro Tax Relief get you into tax compliance by filing your back taxes. If you file your delinquent returns voluntarily, you will be avoiding a future tax penalty. Call us today! We can help!

Outstanding Payroll Taxes

Making use of outstanding payroll taxes for other commitments can be an expensive and dangerous game. The optimum enforcement significance of IRS Collections personnel is collecting unpaid payroll tax liabilities. As a result of the potency through which IRS hunts tax debts collection, it can be a challenging process without having professional representation. Call us today! We can handle your outstanding payroll taxes issues.

Tax Offer in Compromise

A tax offer in compromise (OIC) is referred to as an agreement between the Internal Revenue Service and a taxpayer which settles the tax liabilities of a taxpayer for less than the overall amount owed. If you are unable to settle your taxes, you can either ask the IRS to permit you to pay a reduced amount via an offer in compromise (OIC) or negotiate a payment plan. Call us today to determine the best option for you!

Tax Penalty Abatement

When you have an outstanding tax liability, the IRS may decide to add additional amounts owed in the form of an IRS Tax Penalty and Interest. This will be included with the initial tax amount owed. These added tax penalty can result in a noteworthy escalation of the original tax debt. With the help and representation from Metro Tax Relief, we will ask the IRS for an appropriate and comprehensive demand for tax penalty abatement.

Other Services offered by Metro Tax Relief include:

  • Discharge of Property
  • Subordination
  • Lien Withdrawal
  • Tax Appeals

At Metro Tax Relief, our job is rescuing troubled taxpayers. On receiving a letter from the IRS, it is important that you act quickly, and hire Metro Tax Relief to represent you.

Our representation include:

  • Stop IRS visits and phone calls at your residence or your place of employment.
  • Protect your income and assets from Lien and then Levy
  • Get your tax debt settled or negotiate a reasonable IRS payment plan. Bring you peace of mind.
  • Save money and time. Pay the IRS the lowest amount allowed by law.
  • Extensions, Appeals and Requests filed on your behalf in a timely and expert manner.

The Tax Experts at Metro Tax Relief stand directly between YOU and the IRS. We fight to protect both your rights as well as your property against enforced collections.

Tax Preparation, Accounting, Bookkeeping

Irrespective of your financial requirements, you can hire the services of an accountant by contacting Metro Tax Relief. Our services consists of efficient bookkeeping strategies for various businesses, empowering individuals with sound financial advice, and lots more. The firm is dedicated to offering outstanding services and ensuring client satisfaction.

Apart from detail-oriented accounting services, we provide personalized customer service which includes a quick response to inquiries and highly flexible appointment hours. Our well-trained, experienced professionals make use of current accounting procedures, innovations and an extensive knowledge of federal and state tax laws. With decades of experience in the accounting sector, we are the most ideal firm to tend to all your financial requirements and accounting needs.

Our services include:

  • Accounting
  • Bookkeeping
  • Business Accounting
  • Payroll Services
  • QuickBooks Accounting Services
  • Tax Preparation